hidup singkat je an???

Friday, February 18, 2011

After quiz story......

kIte Ade Story nGOk Ngek Gobang kebabom wulalalahulahuk boooooooooooo...~!!!
It is Called "AFTEr Quiz,StoRY" heehehhee....huaaa hehehehe OKEY!!!!! STOP zura You're ANNOYING!! heheahahahah...okey2 it happened like this...

after class....... this Happened...

HarI nI paNAsss....
tetibe ade call..... sembang2 Kejap...

 and  helmetku Takdak....Upe2nyeeeee...
!helmetku LAm LOngKAnG!!!nasiblah ade penghadaNg So TAde la Kena Air LOngkang tu...e hhuhuuuhuu...
.PLinggg Ade Brother NI dtg Tulung And AMbilkAN helmeT yanG ade lam lokang hukhukhuk..
sudDendLy...betullah Amira shakim  Kite ckp Lelaki Chinese GENtle
Mse die Bg helmet Kite Ase Cam dak 3 thun Yang Hilang barang .hukhkhuk...

then kite teringat ade coklat lam beg so i pun bagi kat die n ase caM tak 3 tahun dah hehehehe...


1.Jagn Letak helmet aTs seat n parking dekat longkang...
2.bawak coklat lam beg...
huahahaa...tak ilmiah lansung hukhukhuk


Thank u 4 reading this entry..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Memain je lah kau ni kan kan???

kawan2 saya nak bagitau esok kite ade quiz tapi kite ended up reading this,

 then also can't stop doing this!!!!!!!
the other thing i do is this.............zzzzz
 and i also being like thiss...... l...aa.....z.yy.... all day.....
and my MOm said if i continued doing this i will ended up like this.....

ToMorrOw Is qUIzz!!! i don't waNNa be like this....

 If I revise now maYBE i Will sMIle LIke thiss.....

okey,,tata eVewyone I'll be doing tHIss...(1)

 HOpe I CAn........

 becos i can't hope you guys will say~~~THIS
 hehehhee.. lEt's Go!!! study zura!!!

thank u 4 reading this entry....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

THe Green HOrNEt

okey semalam sangat letih woo..so After the MOvie and the shopping and sightseeing  i got Back to college tros tidur...so the review??

Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company, teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.

ahaha..this is all tipu jee huhuuuuhuuu...the fighting crime thingy tu tipu je coz dwrng team up pun sebb nk balas dendam dri tak dinotice oleh masyarakat wlpun buat baik,so diorng team up actually untuk mencari publisiti aje...daMN u guys..!

n disebabkn seating aku punylah almost depan sekali so aku ta dapat concentrate the film entirely dengan my aching neck sebb kne angle my neck towards the screen,,kebetulan pulak ade sorang dak comel ni around 5 lari2 dalam panggung dengan batman die so aku lebih tertumpu dengan budak yang tengah berlawan bersama batman menentang kejahatn than The Green Hornet ni...

the green hornet ni bukanlah tak BEST lansung tp bagi akU yNag lebih sukakan Action aku tak rasA scenes dalm citer ni boleh wat kite go awweeeee or wooooowwww...!!! just lawak2 bnyaklah n kadang2 lawak tu a bit lame......**siGH**  And wat disappointing is ending die so klise which is bad guy kalah n good guys menang without a scratchhhh!! n ade satu scenes tu jAy chou kena hempap ngn a BIg hEAVY taBLe( MULA2) but than after britt td dah kick-ass beberapa orng jahat tibe2 je Jay chou dapat flip table tu dengan smooth as if tak berat lansung mmeg ase tertipu huaaa aku tau la cter  memag all rekaan semata-mata tapi pleaselah td cam berat n tak leh angkat sangat ni tetibe je leh angkat senang2..huh! E.M.o

so at the end BAtman pun menAng... oppss sorry peeps itu story sal budak chinese td but what happened is diorang (britt and JAy choU) pasang balik kepala statue bapak reid yang dieorang potong mse mula2 film sbb reid nak balas dendam pada bapak die...

so out of 5* aku bagi 3* jee.... kesimpulannye citer ni sesuai for Family and those yang ske ketawa coz action tak bnyak sangat....

here IS the trailer..
enjoy peepss...

my movie ticket.....and where i shop...

thank u 4 reading this entry,,,,

Friday, February 11, 2011


  Why Do we needs frIEnds??
When we HAve FAmily?

why do we really misses hanging out together witH FrienDs?
   oh yeah with all the fuN and excitment!! ScREamINg Around..making noise!! thaT's FUN!!
 then the Girls become teens and IT times for LOvey dovey era~~

IT  comes to BOy_Friend oUr lITTle friends fom sChool Is sLOwly Forgotten.... WelL  nOT entirely but the Sms wiLL be FEwer from everydaY to 2 or 3 days..theN slOwlY we will just conTct Our Friends Sometime in a week oR a month or a semester!? Why? Why people always FOrget one thing after they got another??

 need to say THat friends ARe tHe one who will be there for FUN,,,Some will be there if we Are in trouble but the "SOME" is the true FriEnds And thaT IS the BEStFRiends That Should'nt BE forgotten.....

Do you REmemBEr who is YoUr very  first bestFriend??????

I do, it'S MY MOM...

 AppreCiated what U got..
I love MY friEnDs!~ n MY MOM