2.56 a.m Ouhh Aku SanGAt MEngantuk benarNye~ bUT then Bru nA sign Out jumpe lak mY senior's Blog N ade Lah sbut psl Main numBers for sTstus tu.
this is the statement ::
this is the statement ::
Inbox or message me any number between 0 and 10000.
I'll make my status your number and write what I think about you.
Fun thing is, only you and me know what your number is.
Have fun! (:
it is the number which Represent what people think bout u!~!! SOOO~~denGan gatal Tangan aku Truslah Update blOgg weee~~
Yeah i know it's a LAst Year!! But It's Cool oke...nok letak jugok!! CHEck It OUt~ <3
junior tesl aku. mmp 2010/2011 dah perasan pun dia ni, aku yg bawak p fac kot. x byk interaksi di luar, lbh dalam dunia fb ja. just nk pesan to stay unit dgn classmate2 yg lain. u guys will need it later. support each other. if ada apa nk mtk abg tolong just say it. i'll try my best.
>>ayak mengapakah fak yang dikomen??uhuhu..yes unite among collegue mmg penting..baik sy akn ambil nasihat itu.^_^
>>ouh really???tu yang korang suh aku wat segala kije bagai tu ekk h huaaaaa... = ( btw Amin 4 the incredible teacher..huhuuhu doa tu doa~
>> wahhh.....huhu..emmm speechless....*__< akk beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder....
sbnrnye, aku tak perasan pun die ni junior aku...hehehehe... tp, die ni comel...tak berape kenal sgt, tapi tgk muke mcm budak baik je...semoge berbahagia selalu...:)
.>> weeee~~ comel huhu Blushing sekejap...
=)))))) btw brother ni pun comel jgk...opsss
Orgnye comel. Muka flawless. Sgt brani & tegas. Baik tp jgn cr psl dgn beliau. Dependable person. Very focus on work & active in class. :p
>> FlawLess???huhu... toing..toing..OMg PImPLEEE!!!
hehe..die membe kepade kwn baek saye..saye knal die gitu2 je..tak pernah jumpe ag..arap2 one day dpt la kite hangout eh..hihi..so bole byk ag cite..die ni cute and friendly jugak..hopefully nnt dpt jumpe okey..heeeee... :)
>>yeah maybe one day..
met wit this cupcake girl when i had my PKBM camp....that was the first year that we actually gabung with other school....well first i ingat yg dier nie x tau bahase inggeris...rupe2 nyer tau....such a nice sister and a person that can be rely on
fine Boy fine..huhu iyele teman tak reti b.i huhuhuh.... sedih 5 saat
HUHU..inilah antara komen2 yang aku dapat... i think theres a few more but i can't recall so mybe next tyme i'll update again....
ReplyDeletefolo ur blog....***2
wasalm..be my guest..